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    Tributes to Your Mothers

Wish You Were Here Mom

I wish you were still here Mom,
So I could hug you and kiss you
and tell you how much you are loved.

We seem to feel our Mom's will
always be here for us.
Then when you are gone, we
remember all things we should have
and could have said to make your
life a happier place.

I miss you Mom, more than
you will ever know.
Without you, a part of me is
also gone.

I though you would always be here
for me and continue to guide me.
I never realized how lost I would be
without you.

I hope you know Mom, how much
I love you and miss you. I hope
you can hear me when I said you
were the best Mom in the world.
I couldn't have asked for a better
loving, caring, giving, fun,
thoughtful, intelligent Mom.

I hope you are at peace now Mom.
No more suffering and no more
pain. I will always treasure our
time together and the love you have
shown me.

I Love you Mom and I miss you.
I wish you were here Mom.

Love Your Daughter

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