Christmas Around The World

Poems and Lyrics
Upon my lap my sovereign sits
And sucks upon my breast;
Meantime his love maintains my life
And gives my sense her est.
Sing lullaby, my little boy,
Sing lullaby, mine only joy!
When thou hast taken thy repast,
Repose,my babe, on me;
So may thy mother and thy nurse
Sing Lullaby, my little boy,
Sing lullaby, mine only joy!
I grieve that duty doth not work
All that my wishing would;
Because I would not be to thee
But in the best I should.
Sing lullaby, my little boy,
Sing lullaby, mine only joy!
Yet as I am, and as I may,
I must and will be thine,
Though all too little for thyself
Voushsafing to be mine.
Sing lullaby, my little boy,
Sing lullaby, mine only joy!
- Richard Rowlands 1565-1630?

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