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Motherhood Trivia

  • Famous Mothers

  • Rosa Parks was the mother of bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama that launched the Civil Rights Movement.

  • Mother Shipton was a Prophetess in Britain 500 years ago. She could see the future, and predicted that another Queen Elizabeth would sit on the throne of England. (QE II)

  • Mother's Day is now celebrated in many countries around the world. Australia, Mexico, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Russia, China, Thailand, all have special celebrations to honor Mothers, but not in the same way or on the same day as the United States.

  • In the Bible, Eve is credited with being the "Mother of All the Living."

  • Mother Goose is one of the most popular of all children's entertainers. Her books and stories have been loved for many generations.

  • Mother Earth is also known as "Terra Firma". That title is a Latin translation of some lines from one of the Greek poet, Homer's, greatest poems.

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